Clubs and Extra-curricular Activities
We are dedicated in offering outstanding extra-curricular programmes for our pupils to learn and flourish outside of the classroom. All pupilss should take full advantage of these opportunities as it helps develop skills outside of the classroom.
Extra-curricular Activities
Extra-curricular clubs for PE
Our extra-curricular programme for PE provides an exciting variety of different sports for all pupils. Pupils should take full advantage of these clubs as it provides an excellent opportunity to learn and develop other skills outside of the classroom.
Extra-curricular Activities for PE
Extra-curricular clubs for Music
Music inspires creativity, teamwork, discipline and the ability to think in different ways. It plays an important part throughout the school and is supported by pupils who participate in a wide range of musical activities including Main Orchestra, String Orchestra, Wind Band, Wanstead Voices (Years 10-13), Wanstead Voices (Years 7-9), Jazz Band, Brass Group and Steel Pans Group. Rehearsals for these ensembles take place weekly at lunchtimes and after school.
Pupils should take full advantage of these Music clubs as it delivers a brilliant chance to develop their musicality and socialise with other musicians in the school.