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Reading Assessment and Intervention
At Wanstead High School, pupils' reading is assessed at the beginning of Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. We have a three-tiered model which identifies the main groups of pupils in terms of their reading ability as per EEF recommendations.
Tier 1: Pupils whose standardised score in reading is 85 or below
Tier 2: Pupils whose standardised score in reading is 86 to 95.
Tier 3: Pupils whose standardised score in reading is above 96
Reading assessment data LAO (Literacy Assessment Online) is provided for all staff to inform their teaching, therefore ensuring that pupils’ learning needs are met.
At Wanstead High School we understand the importance of reading and our ambition is that all pupils are confident readers that meet their true potential. Our initiative's aim is to intervene and provide an opportunity for our pupils to develop their reading skills, which in turn will improve their academic attainment and progress across the curriculum.
To support our Tier 1 and 2 pupils with their reading, small groups of pupils will be receiving weekly support via Lexonik Advance, which determines a starting point through a diagnostic assessment. Independently reviewed by the National Literacy Trust and Northumbria university, Lexonik Advance is proven to make immediate, significant and sustainable progress. Pupils will also be given access to ReadingWise, to support reading from home. Both online platforms, have assessments within to measure impact. These will be supported by LAO assessments as further evidence of impact.
Pupils are assessed at the end of each intervention period to monitor progress towards chronological reading age.
The programmes we use:
Lexonik Advance: https://lexonik.co.uk/literacy-intervention-programmes/lexonik-advance
Lexonik Advance teaches pupils to develop phonological awareness and make links between unknown words using common prefix, stems and suffix definitions.
The targeted pupils on this programme will have six hours of intensive face-to-face sessions in groups of no more than 4. We have chosen Lexonik Advance as it has proven to make immediate, significant and sustainable progress for pupils of any age.
ReadingWise: https://readingwise.com/
ReadingWise is an online literacy programme that adapts to each pupil’s ability, delivering appropriate content to optimise learning and progress. It is made up of five modules that support a different aspect of learning to read: Zip Phonics, Vocabulary, Decoding, Comprehension and the Learners Library.
ReadingWise comprises of 5 independent modules. Each module supports a different aspect of learning to read. We have chosen ReadingWise as the ‘Department of Education (DfE) RCT study found ReadingWise increased reading ages by 9.5 months.